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历史, Mission, and Goals


Founded in 1888, 雪的大学 is one of the oldest two-year state colleges in the Western United States. It is a dynamic institution devoted to retaining the best of the past and answering the demands of changing times. 雪的大学 has an important place in the history of education in Utah. Its story is an integral part of the long struggle to establish schools - first in the Utah Territory and then in the State. In the true sense of the phrase, 雪的大学 is a pioneer school.

1988年11月5日,第一批定居者来到以法莲四十年后 在犹他州加入联邦的几年前,网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行就以桑皮特分校的名义成立了 Academy founded by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter‑day Saints. Twelve years later 1900年,学校更名为雪学院,以纪念当时的美国总统 洛伦佐·斯诺和他的堂兄伊拉斯图斯·斯诺,他帮助了我们 settle the Sanpete Valley. At the close of the academy era in 1917, when new educational demands were made on the school, its name was changed to Snow Normal College. 与 美国创立的专科学校制度兴起后,学校的名字又改了, for a brief period (1922‑1923), to Snow Junior College. In 1923 it was simplified to 雪的大学, for which it has been known ever since.

除了提供传统的两年制大学预科教育外,斯诺还开设了 offered applied technology courses throughout its 140+ year history. 1998年, 犹他州立法机构合并了前塞维尔谷应用技术中心, located in Richfield, with 雪的大学. The Richfield campus adds a strong program 的技术教育产品和越来越多的学术课程来补充 the offerings on the Ephraim campus. Today, 雪的大学 is a state college offering 文科和技术教育课程,在线学位,短期培训, various Associate Degrees and even two four-year Baccalaureate Degrees. 至关重要的学生 支持服务和参与机会是该计划的重要方面 College experience. 

多年来,对质量的重视使雪学院成为一所知性、艺术、 cultural, educational and athletic center of Central Utah. Encouraged by Snow’s high 学术水准和对知识的执着追求,造就了千万个毕业生 继续在全国各地的学院和大学获得更高的学位. Thousands of others have graduated from Snow fully prepared to find employment in 各种各样的领域,并在个人和职业生活中占据一席之地. 今天,和过去一样,斯诺大学成功的最好证据是其成功的毕业生.

网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行立志成为全国的领导者,为学生提供方便、实惠、 high quality and flexible education for rural and other underserved populations. 我们的 竞争优势是为所有学生提供个性化的高接触体验.

Mission Statement and Core Themes For 雪的大学

网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行延续了卓越的传统,鼓励创新文化, 并培养一种参与的氛围,以促进学生的成就 of their educational goals.

雪的大学 strives to fulfill its mission by:

  • 尊重其历史和推进其丰富的传统学习提供一个充满活力的 learning environment that empowers students to achieve their educational goals.
  • 鼓励和支持创造动态学习体验的创新举措 for the college community.
  • Creating learning and service opportunities, both locally and globally, to engage students, faculty, staff, and surrounding communities.

学院的核心主题是:卓越传统、创新文化、 and Atmosphere of Engagement.


网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行是由西北大学委员会认证的. 在网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行获得的学分和学位被大多数美国大学接受 and universities.

网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行是美国音乐学院协会的认证成员 (NASM), 11250 Roger Bacon Drive, Suite 21, Reston, VA. 20190-5248.

网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行的戏剧系是美国国家戏剧协会的认证成员 of Schools of Theatre. 

网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行的商学院是美国工商管理协会的认证成员 College 业务 Schools and Programs.

护理学副学士课程由认证委员会认证 for Education in Nursing Inc. (ACEN)

Americans 与 Disabilities Act

任何有残疾的学生如果觉得自己需要住宿,可以 contact the Americans with Disabilities Act Coordinator at (435) 283-7321. 任何校园 认为自己需要住宿的残疾访客或客人 参加校园活动可以联系校长办公室,电话:(435) 请拨打283-7010联系相关办公室申请住宿.

任何学生,访客或客人如果觉得自己受到了歧视,因为 残疾人士可致电(435)与《值得信赖的十大棋牌娱乐平台》协调员联系。 283-7321. If a student or guest wishes to appeal a ruling by the coordinator, he or she may contact the Vice President for Student Success. The full grievance procedure is found online at


雪的大学 地图

Notice of Non-Discrimination

根据联邦法律法规(美国残疾人法案(ADA)), 《网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行》第一,第六,第七,第九章或《网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行》第504条 1973年的康复法案,就业年龄歧视法案),网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行 一个机会均等的机构是否提供教育和就业机会 不分种族、肤色、民族或族裔、血统、年龄、宗教 或宗教信仰,残疾或残疾,性或性别,性取向,婚姻 身份,军人或退伍军人身份,遗传信息,或任何其他特征 protected under applicable federal, state or local law.

网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行在就业时不会基于上述因素而进行歧视 or its educational programs and activities.

此外,教育修正案第九条明确禁止性别歧视 in federally supported programs. In order to comply with 第九条, 雪的大学 affirms 它对这一政策的承诺是禁止任何形式的不当性行为 包括性骚扰、性暴力,如强奸、性侵犯、性剥削、 coercion, dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking. Local, state, and federal laws will be enforced on Snow’s campuses.

上述联邦法律禁止受保实体对 提起歧视指控,参与歧视诉讼的人, or otherwise opposes an unlawful employment practice.

Employment and Employees

如果你是一名员工或有就业平等问题的潜在员工, please 联系人: 
Brent Baxter - Director of Human Resources
Noyes Building, Room 242
(435) 283-7058


如果你是一名学生或潜在的学生,对歧视有疑问或担忧, please contact Student Code of Conduct Officer:
Mike Daniels - Dean of 学生
Greenwood Student Center, Room 200F
(435) 283-7320

如果你是一名学生或潜在的学生,有关于残疾的问题,请 联系人:
Paula Robison - Accessibility Services Coordinator
Greenwood Student Center, Room 239
(435) 283-7321

第九条 Compliance

如果您是学生,员工,或以其他方式与雪学院或任何 他们对教育法第九条有疑问,或者担心可能发生的性行为 discrimination (i.e. on the basis of sex or gender, gender identity and/or expression, sexual orientation, pregnancy, etc.) or sexual misconduct (as stated above), please 联系人:

Staci Taylor - 雪的大学 第九条 Coordinator
Noyes Building, Room 233
(435) 283-7120


Denver Region Office for Civil Rights
U.S. Department of Education
塞萨尔E. Chavez Memorial Building
1244 Speer Boulevard, Suite 310
Denver, CO 80204-3582
Telephone:  (303) 844-5695
FAX:  (303) 844-4303
TDD:  (800) 877-8339
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